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S o, you don't want to take our word about the strong relationship between the thinking and methodology of early radical feminists in the WKKK, and its contemporary counterpart. You don't have to. Below are a few quotations from well-known leading contemporary feminists. There are many more than you see below. These screeds are the background structure supporting the fact-free veneer of political correctness on which American public policy, politics, campus thought, and political-correctness is so perilously based. Mainstream Feminism -- not an innocent bystander The beliefs of the feminists below are entirely founded in misandry. When confronted with these statements, contemporary feminists always try to explain them away, or disassociate themselves, by saying something like "Well, these are just a few of the most radical feminists, and mainstream feminism isn't like that." But when it comes to legislation and public policy, these same "mainstream feminists" sit by quietly, or work quietly in the background, while radicals pass the legislation. Many mainstream feminists justify discrimination by suggesting that "its for the children", or "its for the women". Mainstream feminists in high profile public positions nearly always oppose legislation that would bring social equality to fathers and husbands, and they oppose the creation of college "mens studies" programs that might give men an equal chance to secure equal rights in society. One simply cannot say the mainstream feminism represents a balanced mainstream agenda given so many facts that it has nothing to do with sexual equality. Today's situation is identical to the days when "mainstream America" pretended it was not racist, quietly going along with discrimination, while the Ku Klux Klan and other radicals performed horrific acts of discrimination against blacks. Therefore, it is entirely reasonable to fundamentally reject the policies of mainstream and radical feminism. Feminism has become the most dangerous discriminatory movement in contemporary America. We make this statement because the discrimination against men is easily provable, the political agenda is quite visible, and the historic connection of ideology and methodology with the Women's Ku Klux Klan cannot be disavowed. We say feminism is dangerous because feminist policy is so deeply woven into law and public policy, and is so widely accepted in Washington and our state legislatures that many folks won't even take the time to question it. Where Trent Lott can be attacked for supporting segregationist policies, we make the statement that the entirety of feminism must be attacked for its wholesale enactment of deeply discriminatory policies which have created sexual social segregation in America. What High-Profile Femininsts Believe (and feminism has not been attacked for) Please pay particular attention to the professional position of the individuals below, many of whom run colleges, magazines, or work in government:
ANALYSIS OF THE PREVIOUS QUOTE: This sentence reveals that N.O.W.'s internal goal was to convert as many women as possible to lesbianism; the ostensible external political goal being to form the large-enough base of victim-class activists needed create female-female "super-family" marriage. It also publicly admits that N.O.W.'s political goal was not to help those who are (by genetic or other substantial predilection) lesbians, but to force as many women as possible to become lesbians (or to pretend they are lesbians), or face exclusion from the feminist movement. It also admits that the dominant feminist organization no longer sought equal rights for women, but instead was pursuing an agenda that despises heterosexuality and is anti-family, antisocial, misandric, and secessionist in nature.
Now that everyone has had the opportunity to view what radical feminists believe and have done, we trust that everyone can decide for themselves why social and civil rights is such an important issue for the "millenium male". Now, lets go back and compare the baseline agenda of WKKK feminists of the 1880's and contemporary millenium feminists, both of which are founded in misandry: THEN: WKKK women basically went around talking about what black men night do to them, and white men preached of the sanctity of "white womanhood". The sexually hypercharged imagery, together with economic desires of slave-owners, made widespread violence and discrimination against blacks acceptable and even necessary in the public eye. Women got what they wanted by motivating men with horrid sexual imagery about blacks, and men took up their dirty duties protecting the sanctity of "white womanhood". NOW: Feminist women basically go around talking about what men night do to them, and many men and women preach of the sanctity of "womanhood". The sexually hypercharged imagery, together with economic desires of the legal profession, have made widespread acts of social violence, economic abuse, and discrimination against men acceptable and even necessary in the public eye. Women get what they want by motivating men and women with horrid sexual imagery about other men, and many men and women take up their dirty duties protecting the sanctity of "womanhood". It is now incumbent on all Americans, of all sexes and all political affiliations, to right what is wrong, to do what needs to be done to stop the endless burdens placed on the taxpayer, and to do what we need to do to ensure the brightest possible futures for all women, children, and men. "We must now grant to fathers the same right to be in the family as we have granted to women in the workplace." -- David R. Usher, 1990